The person's wise attitude.

wise attitude
A true friend will make you warm with his presence, trusted would his secret and remembered you in his prayers.
The prayer gave the strength to the weak person, made the person did not believe to believed and gave courage to the person that the fear.
If we did a favour, goodness also that would we received in the future.
The smile not will only put forward the radiant face, but also heated the spirit.
That was important not how long we lived, but how we lived.
Good advice had not come late.
Jealous that it was demonstrated to someone will injure himself.
You could only live just once in this world, but if you lived correctly, just once has been enough.
The beautiful memory of the past only to be recalled, not to be kept in mind.
The fear not to be enjoyed, but to be dealt with.
The wise person always supplemented his life with many friendships.
Your tongue that determined who you.
The love was arrogant and soft. It would be better if had the love than had all the stars in sky.
The love will often run when we searched, but the love only often was allowed to go when he approached.
If the crime in replied to the crime, that is why was revenge.
If goodness was repaid by the goodness was the normal case.
If goodness was repaid by the crime, that was tyrannical. But if the crime was repaid by goodness, that was noble and was praised.
If you did not begin today with the smile, was not yet slow in trying him tomorrow.

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