The Characteristics Of The Wise Person

How do people become wise? Not easy to own them because I have not felt as many people and can be viewed from various prespektif among others:
1.Always evaluate the self-is (strengths and weaknesses) before evaluating the other people; want to acknowledge the weaknesses as well as ourselves;
2.Always prioritize the optimum use of resources (not extravagant) without prejudice other parties;
3.Sympathy against others who are experiencing grief or joy;
4. Withhold emotions (anger be patient and hold) on the criticisms of others about ourselves;
5. A listener and a good speaker (speech, body language, emotional value);

6. Respond in person without having to harm another person, and should give way out;
7. A cheap and does not smile pinchpenny respect other people; Eliminated as well as harm other people;
8.Show humility, but not low self except before God;
9. Always increase the knowledge and the main religion in order to utilize rahmatan lil alamin;
10. Grateful for any of the God given to us;
11. Reduce the sense of grief over the life of a hard, be patient and ready-prepared to receive the immediate help comes from God;

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