The Love Began With The Smile

Possibly the deliberate Lord wanted us to meet the person who was wrong before meeting the true human being to if we had finally met the true human being, we will know how to be grateful with giving and wisdom was overturned by this giving. If one of the doors to the happiness was closed, that was other will be open but always him we will gaze at the door that was closed that too long until we were invisible the other door that was open for us.

Don't the beauty look because only would mildewed was swallowed by the age, don't pursue luxury because only will shrink was swallowed by the period. What was lasting only beauty of the heart someone....

Look for someone who could make you smile because he only needed a smile to brighten the gloomy day. Will arrive one when in the life if you very much yearned for someone so as you wanted to gain him from the dream and embraced him closely.........

The love began with the smile, blossomed with the kiss and ended with crying.....
Love will not come if not sought.........

Love someone that on the basis of who he now and not who he beforehand. Narrated set might not be pried again into, apparently you really loved him with utmost sincerity.

Occasionally you did not appreciate the person who loved you with all my heart, so as you lost him. At the time, not for regret because of the departure without saying again. ....

The matter that was sad in the life was when you met someone who meant so much for you, only to find that in the long run to was not significant and you must allow him to go.....

Hawa created from Adam's side, not from the head to be held in high esteem, not from foot to be made the foundation, but to be from the side made the friend of the life, close in the heart to be loved...

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